Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 21, 2016

 Wow, I can't believe a month has already passed since I last posted...  I better not waste too much time on this blog or another month will pass.  

So, here's what's going on in the garden these days:

Our one apricot is coming along nicely.  We used to have two apricots, but one aborted randomly.
Peaches are only slightly bigger...
 Meyer lemons getting bigger...
 The Summer squashes Chris planted in this pot are doing better than the ones in the beds.  This amazes me.
 Tomatoes doing good...
 More tomatoes in pots...  The one in the lower left is not looking so hot, we aren't sure why.
 Green beans are doing good.  I've harvested a solid handful so far.
 Corn getting tall.  Chris is in the picture for good measure.
 Our one Gala apple...  We had two, but one aborted.  I'm beginning to sound like a broken record...
 Grapes getting bigger, but we haven't discovered any new clusters.  Right now we only have two.
 This is the Honeycrisp apple tree.  For some mysterious reason (aliens?), a whole cluster of baby apples stopped growing and turned brown and soft.  We currently have five left.
 Cucumbers are looking good.  I got some pics of the baby cukes.  They're around here somewhere...
 Kale plants still hanging in.  As you can see, they are flowering and have sprouted seed pods that look like mini green beans.  But it's still producing small, tender leaves, so we'll keep it.
 Another tomato...  This one is full of big fruits I can hardly wait to eat.
 Cherry tomatoes...
 The onion and garlic bed.  We've harvested 4 or 5 heads of garlic so far; they are awesome.
 Our first Summer squash of the season.  I just ate it in my dinner tonight!
 The espalier Pear tree has risen from the dead.  Hope restored.  Things were dicey for a while there...
 Not sure what's in this bed.  I see some squash, some chickpea plants (who knows what they're going to do), and that tiny one in the center is a habanero.  Chris threw some random beans in this bed and stuff has popped up, but we're not sure exactly what it is.  We're really living on the edge now...
 A closer view of the chickpea plant...  There is a tiny flower on there.  Maybe we'll get one chickpea pod from all of this.
 Blueberries...  They're not getting any bigger or bluer.
 More Summer squash...
 Adorable baby corn...
 Here's a close up of the green beans growing...
 Maddox, relaxing in the garden.  Happy kitty...
 And Penny keeping her eye on me, of course.  Nothing gets by Penny.
 Blackberries getting bigger and starting to darken...
 The Summer squash I ate for dinner tonight.  Put my hand in the pic for good measure.
 Basket of goodies from the garden...
 Here's a close up of the baby cukes...
 Another one...  So cute...
And lastly, the bed with the herbs and lettuce.  We've enjoyed a few heads of lettuce so far.  The cilantro is mostly coriander now.  The parsley is not happy, so I didn't include it in the picture.

Some other random things: Looks like the cherry trees will not be hooking us up this year.  The die-hard chard isn't looking so hot and one of the plants did, in fact, die (I jinxed all of them in my last post).  None of the peppers have really taken off yet.  Chris started some potatoes.  And, I can't think of anything else right now.  Over and out.