Monday, June 8, 2015

June 6, 2015

 A lot of growth happened this week!
Our tomato seedlings are catching up!! 
More tomato seedlings... 
And still more tomato seedlings...  (We have 20 tomato plants total.)
This bed has collards, kale, broccoli, parsley, beets, spinach, lettuce...  Compare this picture to the one I posted last week!
Check out the baby broccoli head! 
The stunted summer squash on the left end, 4 cucumber plants in the middle and 2 zucchinis on the right end.  Also hiding in this bed, the Sweet Million cherry tomato plant...
Close up of all the zucchinis on one of the plants...
This is the other zucchini - Dark Star
This is the other summer squash plant.  Already harvested one huge squash - pictured at the bottom!
Sweet Millions ripening up! 
The Ed's Millennium tomatoes are getting huge! 
The Ed's Millennium plant is almost as tall as Chris! 
Figs!  We've already eaten a few this year... 
Grapes plumping up! 
Blackberries ripening...  Our sad bush now has a new shoot, though.  There is hope! 
Tomatillos taking over the bed.  We relocated them to pots after this picture was taken. 
The last of the gold beets.  We already harvested 4 huge beets.  Harvested the last 4 after this picture was taken.  That's it for the beets this season. 
Hard to tell how big and deep this basket is, but we harvested a bunch of spinach and Chris made me an awesome spinach salad with it. 
Summer squash and zucchini from our plants! 

May 25, 2015

So, here's our garden update for the week!
Ed's Millennium going strong...
Ed's Millennium full of tomatoes! 
Baby Summer Squash! 
Our seedlings are still so tiny!  Will they ever be big enough??  Starting to worry... 
Two different types of zucchini here, both have lots of babies! 
Baby zucchinis on the Dark Star plant we started from seed... 
Baby zucchinis on the other plant... 
Wee little cucumbers... 
Another summer squash.  This is the plant that has a lot of aphids and the plant is stunted.  This squash will probably be inedible. 
First cherry tomatoes coming in... 
Another view of the Sweet Million cherry tomatoes... 
So, this was supposed to be a Jalapeno plant but who knows what kind of peppers these are? 
We've got collards, kale, lettuce, broccoli, gold beets, parsley and spinach in here... 
Our chard has seen better days.  We're going to cut it all down and hope for the best. 
Close up of gold beets... 
More tomato seedlings... 
Volunteer Tomatillos...  We will be relocating these. 
Our very small Blackberry "bush"