Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 15, 2015

So, we were gone on vacation for 10 days and this is what we came home to!
Grapes getting bigger...
Spinach exploded!
Beets starting to emerge from the soil...
Collards blew up!
Where did this zucchini come from!?!?  Was not there before we left...
Another shot of the same zucchini plant...
Cucumbers grew significantly and now have blossoms.  The plant on the far right now has a baby cucumber growing on it...
Summer squash plant now has a few squashes growing but this plant is loaded with aphids so they are stunting its growth.  :(
Sweet Million grew a foot!
Baby cherries now growing on Sweet Million plant!
This other tomato plant grew over a foot and now has a few baby tomatoes on it!
This Summer Squash plant now has two baby squashes growing!
Tomatillo plant now has blossoms!  Did not get much taller, though...
Baby jalapenos now growing!
Enchanted celery forest appeared!
Ingredients from our garden (and chickens) about to make us a delicious breakfast.  -Like printing your own money!
Close up of our beautiful spinach freshly harvested. <3