Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 2014

Here's what's going on in our garden this morning...
We have 5 tomato plants that are still producing!  Here's one of the cherries (oregano at the base)...
Another tomato...
Favas getting taller...
Peas getting big!
Our first pea pod!
More peas...  Growing up the cucumber trellis.
Chocolate Cherry tomatoes still growing!
Just picked!  So glad they're still coming in.

October 11, 2014

The favas are growing fast!
Tomatoes are still holding on...
Baby Anaheims...
Baby peas...  We're hoping to train them to grow up our cucumber trellis.

Out With The Old, In With The New...

Pulled out most of our old plants and got the beds ready for favas, peas, and a few other things we want to try our hands at this Fall/Winter...

Left the jalapenos, Anaheims and bells in the beds...
Cleaning things up...
Made a grid to help me space out the favas evenly...