Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1, 2014 Harvest

August 1, 2014

The garden is producing pretty well.  The tomatoes aren't as bushy as they've been in the past; we think it is because we haven't been rotating the beds.  We're getting a decent harvest from them, though, and the flavor is great.  We'll be working some of our compost in soon, and that should help.

The cucumbers continue to be the rock stars of the garden.  Tons are still coming in and the plants look happy and healthy.  (This is the first year with cukes in the beds.)

The figs are coming in faster than we can eat them.  It's time to break out the dehydrator for them.

Peppers and squash still trailing behind.  The peppers are at least showing some potential, though; the squash is not.