Friday, June 27, 2014

Garden Check-in 6-27-2014

Here are other, less talked about, but equally awesome, things we have going on in our garden today...

Tomatoes 6-27-2014

Our tomato plants aren't as bushy as usual.  We don't know yet if it's because it's still early in the season, or if it's because we haven't been rotating our crops and the soil isn't as healthy this year.  Time will tell.  We will be working some nutrient-rich homemade compost into the beds soon, just in case.
Here's what some of our tomato plants are doing today...

Today's tomato harvest

Cool Cucumber Trellis

We scored this cool cucumber trellis contraption from  While it does not guarantee straight cucumbers, it creates a great space underneath its slope for growing things that don't like as much sun, such as lettuces and basil.